As a mom and household manager, you basically run a small company. How She Moms workshops will help you create customized systems for the different departments within your home, from meal planning to time management to building family relationships.

"I’ve always fumbled my way around the kitchen and, after having kids, meal prep and cooking became drudgery. Thankfully, Whitney helped put things in perspective for me. Her meal-planning workshop gave me tangible ideas for regaining my confidence in the kitchen. "

Sarah Hauge

Hi, I'm Whitney Archibald!

I started How She Moms to find out how different moms solve the same problems. I do the research for you, and collect all the ideas I find into podcast episodes, blog posts, and these workshops, so you can pick and choose what works for you and your family. I'm a wife and a mom to five kids. I'm happiest with my nose in a book, my feet on a mountain trail, my hands on a piano, and my arms around my family. (Maybe not all at once.)